This week continues to be special as we have rolled out a major version of Admin Report Kit for Exchange Server (ARKES) v6.0.
ARKES, a powerful reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Server is the next to follow our SPListX 3.1 release. The new feature-rich ARKES version is certain to add value to your IT infrastructure.
ARKES v6.0 offers the following new features and benefits to our customers:
1. Support to Exchange Server 2010: The new ARKES supports Microsoft’s latest version of Exchange Server 2010. ARKES over a period of last 7 years has evolved in line with the Exchange Server’s hierarchy since Exchange Server v5.5. ARKES is now compatible with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/2007/2003/2000. ARKES no more supports Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 owing to functional difficulty in achieving backward compatibility.
2. Generate reports for specific objects: ARKES now enables users to generate specific information on recipient objects or recipients in specific Organizational Units. This would allow the user to pull out ‘spot-on’ information without having to generate reports across the vast hierarchy.
3. E-mail ARKES reports: ARKES reports can now be distributed through e-mails. This is a significant enhancement to the previous report export & print feature.
4. SQL Database: ARKES is now scaled up by SQL database keeping in mind Microsoft Access’s storage and functional limitations. SQL Database would ensure improved application performance and storage optimization.
5. Multi format Reporting: ARKES now has the ability to export or print reports in a variety of report formats. This would go a long way in addressing our users’ domestic compliance and documentation needs.
6. Extended support to Microsoft Windows 64-bit platform.
7. Improved GUI: ARKES now has a highly interactive GUI definitely marking a new milestone from the solution’s usability standpoint.
You can read more information about the product at: