Sharepoint Reporting – A functional approach using an all-in-one reporting solution

Reporting on SharePoint is an important organization-wide requirement based on the different functional aspects of SharePoint governance and administration. A comprehensive SharePoint Reporting should broadly cover the following report categories:

SharePoint Audit and Compliance Reports

These reports should address the regulatory compliance needs (such as SOX, HIPAA etc.). The reports should carry information about all critical user actions in SharePoint that are to be audited and recorded for compliance reporting. The reports must provide detailed information about the actions that have occurred in the SharePoint farm – Who performed What, Where and When.

SharePoint Security Reports

The SharePoint security reports should carry all information related to SharePoint Security and must provide a clear picture of how security is currently configured – such as permissions / rights granted for users & groups on various objects – for farms, Site collections, Sites, Lists etc. The reports must tell you who has access to what in SharePoint at the site collection, site, list, and list item levels.

SharePoint Usage Reports

These reports must capture how your SharePoint environment is currently being used. The reports must track all user activity related to the usage of SharePoint. The reports must show user activity and how the SharePoint farm is currently used by the user community.

SharePoint Configuration Reports

These reports should carry information about your SharePoint Configuration in order to fully document the details of your SharePoint infrastructure. The reports must show details on how SharePoint settings are configured at Web application, Site Collection, Web and List levels.

SharePoint Policy Reports

Has SharePoint been configured and used as per your organizational policies? SharePoint Reports on policy must show how the business, data & information policy settings are configured in the SharePoint farm.

Therefore, if you need a reporting solution that addresses all aspects of SharePoint reporting, then the solution must address all the above areas comprehensively with in-depth reporting. Vyapin’s SharePoint Reporting solution, SharePoint Farm Reporter, gives you an all-in-one reporting solution that caters to all the SharePoint reporting needs of an organization.

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