A Comprehensive Guide to SharePoint Migration

Introduction SharePoint migration is a process that many organizations undergo when they need to upgrade their collaboration and document management systems. Whether you are moving from an older version of SharePoint to a newer one, or transitioning from a different platform altogether, a successful migration can lead to improved collaboration, enhanced security, and better integration […]

SharePoint Migration Planning: A practical approach to build your own checklist

Is SharePoint Migration just a small technical job or is it a process that entails the inputs of several different stake holders of an organization? Migration provides yet another opportunity to fully realize and further improve a company’s collaboration, productivity and content management processes. A thorough and detailed SharePoint migration planning not only improves the […]

Are you migrating documents to SharePoint? Preserve user value!

This article describes the steps involved in preserving the users during SharePoint content migration using Vyapin’s XPlica product. XPlica will help you preserve the user(s), if the user(s) are still available in the organization and replace the user(s) with any other alternate user, if the user is no longer with the organization. The users / […]

How to Retain List Item IDs across site collections or SharePoint farms?

SharePoint generates a unique ID for each item in a list. Here’s some additional information about list item IDs: IDs are auto-generated in each list and are not unique across the site. The item IDs are 1-based integer, which is one greater than the ID of the item that was previously added. If the item […]

New version of XPlica v6.8 has been released

A new version of XPlica v6.8 has been released recently with the following enhancements: Site Collection Feature Activation The ‘Site Collection Feature Activation’ has been newly introduced in the sandbox solution (for SharePoint Online) and XPlica Server Agent (for on-premise SharePoint) that enables to activate the set of (already available) site collection features in the […]

Retaining Document IDs across site collections or SharePoint farms

SharePoint Document ID service is useful to maintain static links to documents regardless of where they get moved within the same site collection, or if their name gets changed. In short, with the SharePoint Document ID service activated, you can preserve the Document ID within the site collection. There are a few limitations in SharePoint […]

New version of XPlica for SharePoint version 6.7 has been released

A new version of XPlica for SharePoint (v6.7) has been released with the following enhancements: Wildcard inclusion to migrate only the site structure (excluding contents) In SharePoint migration scenarios, quite a few customers would be interested in migrating site structure alone to see if the pages, look and feel, permissions are intact, before migrating contents. […]

Document set metadata update and other addition in the latest DocKIT for SharePoint

The latest version of file shares to SharePoint migration tool – DocKIT for SharePoint offers users a provision to capture the Document set version and update the description metadata for the URL column. Document Set Version Capture Whenever DocKIT creates a new document set or updates the already available document set’s metadata, it can capture […]

Migration Mission Accomplished with Vyapin’s DocKIT

It was all now or nothing for a regulator handling financial services during a crucial weekend. It was time to put into action months of migration planning. It involved moving 8 million documents or 4 TBs of data from the existing Open Text system to their new SharePoint environment. It all came down to 48 […]

SharePoint Information Organizer beefed-up with new features

A new version of the SharePoint Information Organizer (v2.2) has been released recently with additional features. The additional capabilities that enhance the potential of this product are shown below. Copy/Merge Sites The Copy/Merge Sites feature helps the Administrators to manage the Site Collections more efficiently. The Administrators can find which Site occupies more storage space […]

How to Make SharePoint Users to get the Right Content?

The classification of SharePoint content is a significant factor in ensuring that it is stored properly and that users get the right content while searching. It creates a uniform information schema that is common between users and applications. This allows content to be saved, organized, shared and retrieved through search queries. Large groups of SharePoint […]

How to Organize fresh contents in SharePoint?

Organizing content in SharePoint whether existing or new is a challenging task. Since SharePoint users upload and share data through this platform there is a need to classify content, right from the beginning. Hence administrators and content owners will do better if they follow content classification and management protocols which will help them accommodate their […]

How To Reduce Content Bloat and Improve Search Results in SharePoint?

With usage SharePoint content database expands to a huge volume. The database expands as it has to accommodate documents (with multiple versions), the metadata, deleted content stored in the Site Collections Recycle Bin, various kinds of audit logs, transaction logs and reports, the Office Web Apps Cache used to store content for rendering and the […]

Challenges in Migrating from SharePoint 2003 to SharePoint 2013

Migrating from SharePoint 2003 to SharePoint 2013 is a challenging task as 2003 is an antiquated system compared to the new and vastly capable SharePoint 2013. Apart from having to adapt to the huge difference in technology, a lot of effort will also be required in cleansing the redundancy in the 2003 database. Besides this, […]