Using SharePoint Migration Tools To Migrate From SharePoint On-Prem To SharePoint Online – Challenges To Expect And Plan For
While SharePoint online has numerous advantages due to its feature rich, tightly integrated offering by Microsoft, the benefits may not be fully realized if you try to migrate your existing SharePoint on-prem versions to the SharePoint Online as is. This is due to some limitations in how certain elements get migrated to SP online. Many […]
Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool vs Vyapin DocKit Migrator
Microsoft has recently released its latest version of SharePoint Migration tool available free of cost to their customers. You can use Microsoft’s SharePoint Migration tool to migrate content (folders and documents) to SharePoint Online along with basic metadata. However, the Microsoft SharePoint migration tool may fall short if you have a complex or metadata intensive […]
Are you migrating documents to SharePoint? Preserve user value!
This article describes the steps involved in preserving the users during SharePoint content migration using Vyapin’s XPlica product. XPlica will help you preserve the user(s), if the user(s) are still available in the organization and replace the user(s) with any other alternate user, if the user is no longer with the organization. The users / […]
How to Retain List Item IDs across site collections or SharePoint farms?
SharePoint generates a unique ID for each item in a list. Here’s some additional information about list item IDs: IDs are auto-generated in each list and are not unique across the site. The item IDs are 1-based integer, which is one greater than the ID of the item that was previously added. If the item […]
Accelerate File Share Migration with Dockit 365 Migrator
Dockit 365 Migrator is built from the ground up to migrate terabytes of data into Office 365 in the shortest span. While dealing with voluminous content migration, the speed becomes one of the top-priority items in an IT administrator’s checklist. My idea here is to give you a brief overview that helps you appreciate how […]
Vyapin’s Dockit 365 Migrator launched
Vyapin proudly announces the launch of the variant of its flagship Dockit content migration product, namely Dockit 365 Migrator that has been designed exclusively for Office 365. The primary objective of this product is to offer high speed data migration solution to Office 365 customers. This will help users plan to migrate content from network […]
Making An Impossible Looking Site Collections Migration Possible with XPlica
When a day at the office involves delivering leading edge cloud infrastructure solutions to clients ranging from medical services and manufacturing to accounting firms you need to be ready for anything—on premises or in the cloud. About the Client An IT Solutions Provider got a phone call form a client presenting them with a new […]
SharePoint Office 365 migration – Challenges in migrating contents to the cloud
Migrating documents & files in file shares to SharePoint Online in Office 365 or from an existing on premise SharePoint farm to SharePoint Online in Office 365 can be challenging task for several reasons. Here is a list of common SharePoint online migration challenges that one might encounter when migrating to the SharePoint cloud. A […]
Content migration from file shares to Office 365 (SharePoint Online) using DocKIT v7.0
Vyapin’s DocKIT Migrator is a powerful migration tool that offers extensive features to migrate contents from file shares along with metadata, permissions to either on-premise SharePoint or SharePoint Online in Office 365. The newly released version of DocKIT v7.0 supports SharePoint Online configured with different authentication mechanisms. With this version, you can migrate contents to […]