Virtual machines Reporting and Management

Auditing and Reporting Virtual Machines and Hosts across Network

Monitor your Hyper-V based virtual machines from a central desktop application. The application allows you to audit and report Virtual machines and Hosts across your network. You can periodically check for VM sprawl (uncontrolled / unplanned growth of VMs) by discovering all the VMs in your network and identifying active, inactive and infrequently used VMs. You can then perform insightful actions to optimize and govern your VM infrastructure better.

Highlights of Vyapin Hyper-V Reporting Tool

  • Gather VMs report

    Gather reports about Hyper-V Hosts and VMs in your networks.
  • Identify VM sprawl

    Identify VM Sprawls to plan for removing inactive and under-utilized VMs and reuse / reallocate valuable VM resources.
  • View VM status and configuration

    View the status and analyze configuration of multiple Hyper-V VMs in a single report.
  • Maintain VMs history

    Maintain a long-term history of all provisioned VMs.

Features of Vyapin Hyper-V Reporting Tool


Displays all VM Hosts and VMs in all domains in your network. The report displays the following details: Host Name, VM Name, VM State, Created Date, Notes, Heartbeat, Number of Processors, Guest Operating System, DNS Name.
Displays all VM Hosts and VMs in all domains in your network

Shows virtual memory information for each VM


Report shows virtual memory information for each VM. The report displays the following details: Host Name, VM Name, State, Startup Memory (MB), Dynamic Memory Enabled, Minimum Memory (MB), Maximum Memory (MB), Assigned Memory (MB), Memory Demand (MB), Status, Memory Buffer (%), Memory Weight, Status Recorded as on.

Current Status

Report shows current state information for each VM. The report displays the following details: Host Name, VM Name, State, CPU Usage (%), Memory Usage (MB), Up Time, Replication Health, Currently Logged on User, User Logged on Since, Status Recorded as on.
Shows current state information for each VM

Shows snapshots information for each VM


Report shows snapshots information for each VM. The report displays the following details: Host Name, VM Name, State, Snapshot Name, Creation Time, Snapshot Path, Status Recorded as on.

Virtual Hard Disks

Report shows virtual disk information for each VM. The report displays the following details: Host Name, VM Name, State, Hard Disk Name, Format, Type, Location, Maximum Disk Size (GB), Current File Size (GB), Parent Path.
Shows virtual disk information for each VM

View all Virtual Machine settings for multiple VMs

All VM Settings

This is a powerful report that lets you see all VM settings for multiple VMs. The report displays configuration information of each VM in separate columns. This allows you to compare the configuration of each VM side by side and lets you analyze VMs that have similar workloads. The information displayed contains: Startup Memory, Dynamic Memory Enabled, Minimum Memory, Maximum Memory, Assigned Memory, Memory Buffer, Memory Demand.